Category Archives: Claims & Risk Management

Most Common OSHA Violations for Craft Breweries

With the growing popularity of craft breweries comes an increasing amount of OSHA violations. In [...]

Be Prepared for Even the Smallest Data Breaches

Whenever there’s a news headline about the latest data breach incident, it usually means that [...]

Ingredients of Embezzlement

No background checks Trust – little to no oversight Duties are not segregated No Audits [...]

Do I Need Pollution Insurance?

It is fairly clear that operations such as an oil well driller, dry cleaner, hair [...]

Are you Properly Controlling your Liquor Liability?

Licensing & Employee Training A company hosts an event at your establishment and alcohol is [...]

Social Media and Schools – Winning Combination or Recipe for Disaster?

Social media continues to gain momentum, and one thing for certain is that it’s not [...]

What the Seattle Public Schools’ Data Breach Teaches us about Cyber Security

On Veterans Day, 2014, the Seattle Public Schools got the bad news: one of SPS’s [...]

Safety is Important in Breweries of all Sizes

As important as it is to have adequate property & liability insurance for your business, [...]

15 Minutes Could Save You

Geico’s “15 Minutes Could Save You 15%” is a nice slogan, but it underestimates the [...]

Social Media & HIPAA Compliance

The rapid growth of social media use in the workplace poses significant challenges to nursing [...]

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Take necessary precautions, stay safe, and stay informed.