Category Archives: Cyber Security

Propel Cyber Security Alert

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Publishes New HHS Cyber Security Guidelines – 5 Questions [...]

Cyber Update – Summer 2018

The information security and the methods and goals of computer hackers are constantly evolving, and [...]

Six Common Tricks Used by Scam Artists

In my role as a Cyber Insurance broker, I often come across interesting and recurrent [...]

Three Absolutely Free and Easy Cyber Security Things You Should Do Right Now

If your company fell victim to May 12th’s “WannaCry” ransomware attack, there are likely more than [...]

Be Prepared for Even the Smallest Data Breaches

Whenever there’s a news headline about the latest data breach incident, it usually means that [...]

Social Media and Schools – Winning Combination or Recipe for Disaster?

Social media continues to gain momentum, and one thing for certain is that it’s not [...]

What the Seattle Public Schools’ Data Breach Teaches us about Cyber Security

On Veterans Day, 2014, the Seattle Public Schools got the bad news: one of SPS’s [...]

Business Email Compromise Scams

It has recently been reported that several technology companies have become victims of one of [...]

Hospital Caves In and Pays Cyber Ransom

At the end of the day on Friday, February 5th, 2016, employees of Hollywood Presbyterian [...]

Making a Case for Crisis Planning

Car manufacturers hit with allegations of improper emissions testing, restaurant chains reeling from contamination and [...]