Callie Banowsky
Sales Director

Tacoma, WA

leveraging her strengths

Callie is an experienced insurance professional with nine years of expertise in commercial construction, manufacturing, and distribution. She excels in risk mitigation strategies, utilizing loss control methods to reduce exposures and insurance premiums. Callie’s passion for problem-solving, coupled with her ability to turn her natural catastrophic thinking into positive outcomes, allows her to deliver simplified solutions to her clients.

Active in the National Utility Contractors Association, Callie advocates for legislative change, promotes safer work environments and supports education in the construction industry. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her children, as well as cheering for Texas A&M’s football, basketball, and baseball teams, aspiring for future national championships.

On Propel

“Propel provides an advanced level of strategy through our expertise with our carriers’ appetites, coverage forms, and comprehensive approach to risk mitigation, as well as in-depth industry knowledge.”